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How Homeowners Insurance Policies Handle Mold damage

Restoration in Arizona

While going through your homeowners’ insurance policy, you might find the information on mold damage rather vague. What exactly does the policy cover, and what does it exclude? Ideally, the policy will not cover mold damage unless it is due to another claim under the policy, such as water damage.

When Will the Insurer Cover Mold Removal?
Depending on the degree of the mold damage, the removal process can be quite expensive. You might wonder if your insurer can bear part of the cost. As we’ve mentioned earlier, your insurer will only step in if the mold damage is caused by something else covered in the policy. For instance, you can file a claim if the mold is a consequence of a faulty AC unit or an overflow. Besides covering mold removal, the policy could also cover repairing costs of any structures damaged permanently by the mold.

When Will the Insurance Provider Exclude Mold Damage?
Although your insurance provider can cover mold removal and repair damaged property, that is not always the case. At other times, you could be denied coverage. For instance, you could notice a bathtub leak but deem it minor, failing to report it even for years. If the leak leads to the spread of mold all over the home, your insurance provider could deny coverage because you didn’t act on the leak immediately. Besides, if you fail to use a dehumidifier in a humid region, you might not get help from your insurance provider in case of a mold infestation.

Filing a Claim in Case of Mold Damage
Sometimes, your insurance provider might send a team after water damage to prevent mold from growing. In other cases, you might realize the mold damage after water damage has taken place. While in such a situation, it is essential to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. They will then send a professional to assess the extent of damage and to determine if the claim will be approved in the first place.

Be sure to leave everything intact, as the adjuster needs to view the damaged property. However, you can open the windows and use a dehumidifier to prevent the mold from further spreading.