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What You Need To Know About Bio-Hazard And Trauma Cleaning In AZ

Restoration in Arizona
When a homicide occurs, most people only think about the police investigation. However, for those who live or work at the crime scene, there is the unpleasant task of getting the area cleaned up after the investigation is completed. While many people believe these cleaning jobs are like any other, they are mistaken. In most cases, cleaning a crime scene requires highly-specialized techniques to ensure potential bio-hazardous substances are removed in a safe manner. If you are facing this type of situation, here are some important facts to take into consideration.

Infectious Diseases

At a crime scene where a homicide has occurred, there will almost certainly be large amounts of blood on the floor, splattered on walls, and on furniture and other items. In these situations, a variety of infectious diseases could be spread, including HIV and Hepatitis. To ensure this risk is eliminated, our cleaning experts use a variety of methods to safely clean and decontaminate the area. Using specialized equipment, chemicals, and cleaning supplies, our experts can sanitize and sterilize a scene to ensure all blood and bodily fluids are removed.

24/7 Response

Unfortunately, homicides happen at various times of the day and night in Arizona and throughout the United States. As a result, it is crucial that crews be able to respond to these scenes in a quick and discreet manner. When you rely on our experts for this specialized type of cleaning, you can be assured of a response no matter the day or night. Also, we go out of our way to not call attention to the scene, greatly reducing the chance unwanted questions will come your way.

Unique Situations

Unfortunately, many people facing these situations do not realize the uniqueness that goes along with a crime scene. While they may be able to see blood or other bodily fluids, what they cannot see is the bacteria, toxins, and viruses that may be present in the air, especially if the crime scene includes a body that has badly decomposed. In these instances, our crew will use bio-hazard suits to make the job as safe as possible, and will also do everything possible to make sure no contaminants or odors are left behind.

Rather than leave these tasks to yourself or others who lack proper training, rely on our bio hazard and trauma cleaning experts in AZ here at Lotus Restoration Services to give you peace of mind during times of stress.