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Clearing Up 7 Common Misconceptions About Flooding

Flooding can cause major water damage to homes and businesses if not addressed quickly and properly. In fact, about 14.6 million properties are at risk of flooding across the United States, according to CBS News. However, several common misconceptions about flooding lead people to make ill-informed decisions. This can end up exacerbating water damage issues. Let’s clear up seven of the most common flooding misconceptions so you have accurate information if floodwaters ever threaten your property.

Misconception 1: Flooding Is Only a Problem if You Live Near a Body of Water

While it’s true that properties located near ponds, rivers, lakes, and oceans do face increased flooding risks, they aren’t the only areas at risk. Flooding can occur well away from large bodies of water if the drainage systems get overwhelmed by heavy rains. You may assume you’re safe from flooding since you don’t live right on a coastline or riverbank. However, in reality, heavy storms can cause flash flooding many miles away from the nearest lake or sea. Always stay alert about conditions after major storms.

Misconception 2: Flooded Basements Are Mostly Just an Inconvenience

You may think having some standing water in your basement for a day or two due to flooding is just a temporary hassle. However, flooded basements lead to serious long-term problems if not fully dried, cleaned, and restored by professionals. Water damage promotes mold growth, which can make a home uninhabitable if left unchecked. Plus, moisture seeping into cracks can cause structural instability over time. Never ignore basement flooding; it requires professional water damage mitigation services.

Misconception 3: Only a Few Inches of Water Can Be Handled by a Wet Vacuum

When flood waters start seeping into a home, some assume that their trusty wet vac can handle a few inches of water infiltration without issue. However, even just an inch of standing water can lead to warped floors, electrical issues, rotting drywall, and mold growth if not completely dried out in the days following a flood. The water absorption rate of materials in your home is higher than you may assume. Always call water damage restoration specialists whenever flooding occurs rather than trying to DIY the cleanup.

Misconception 4: Flooding Is Easy to Detect Visually

Since flooding clearly leaves standing water, many falsely believe that as long as they don’t see pools of water on their property, they haven’t experienced interior flooding. However, water can infiltrate into walls, floor joints, and other hidden crevices without leaving obvious visual clues of its presence. Unless you actively check for moisture in building materials using professional gear after major storms, you may entirely miss indications of water damage that can ruin a home’s structure over time if left unchecked. Never rely solely on visual evidence to rule out flooding.

Misconception 5: Insurance Will Cover All Flood Damage

Reading your home insurance policy’s high-level overview may lead you to believe flooding falls under common water damage protection. However, most basic policies explicitly exclude flooding, as it often requires specific add-on coverage. Make sure to double-check your exact policy terms rather than just assuming flooding falls under general water or storm damage. The specifics for this kind of event are usually spelled out separately. Never start flood remediation projects assuming insurance reimbursement without getting confirmation first.

Misconception 6: Water Dries Naturally Without Help

Seeing pools of water fully evaporate eventually after a heavy storm may lead you to think moisture infiltrating a home will similarly dissipate if given enough time. However, materials like drywall, insulation, carpets, and more retain water in ways puddles don’t. Trapped moisture can lead to major long-term problems if professional drying equipment isn’t used to fully extract all retained water after flooding. Water damage allowing materials to air dry often progresses to hidden decay, mold growth, and instability over time.

Misconception 7: Deep Cleaning Eliminates Flood Damage

Even after calling water damage specialists to dry out your home using professional gear, some still try to cut costs by handling the cleaning process themselves afterward with some deep scrubbing. However, flooding leaves behind particulate and bacteria that require thorough sanitizing solutions only restoration companies have. Attempting to simply wash away flood damage debris leads to lingering health hazards. Always partner with mitigation services offering advanced cleaning processes after they tackle drying duties.

Don’t let these misconceptions put your home at risk for severe and long-lasting water damage when flooding occurs. Leveraging flood damage restoration specialty services provides full protection. Address issues promptly rather than attempting convenience-focused DIY solutions. If you have water damage in your home, our team at Lotus Restoration Services can help repair it. Call us today to get started!