When mold develops in your home, you must act quickly. Otherwise, it could spread throughout your property and have detrimental effects for everyone’s health.
Mold remediation is a multi-step procedure that restores an environment free from dangerous fungi and addresses what caused them to grow in the first place.
Mold Remediation
Mold can be a significant issue for homeowners and business owners alike. Not only does it make the space uninhabitable, but it can also lead to health issues and physical damage to property.
Fortunately, there are ways to effectively remove mold damage. This process, known as remediation, entails taking multiple steps to return the environment back to normal while also addressing the causes of the issue in order to prevent future reoccurrence.
The initial step in mold remediation is to identify and address the source of water or moisture that caused it. Without this addressed, other cleaning efforts may not be successful.
After a thorough mold inspection and detailed cleaning, the area will be sealed off to prevent future growth. This is an essential step in the cleanup process as it helps shield occupants from health risks associated with exposure to mold-related hazards.
Once all surfaces that aren’t porous or hard have been thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water or a commercial cleaning solution, rinse with fresh water to prevent mold regrowth.
Mold Containment
Mold removal requires containment as one of the most essential steps for protecting occupants’ health and the structure’s stability. Containment helps control airborne spore spread that could potentially reach adjacent spaces and spread contamination.
Containment, whether in a single room or an entire building, is essential to guarantee the safety of workers and occupants during remediation. This may entail using various engineering controls to reduce airborne contaminants.
According to EPA guidelines, full containment should be implemented for mold contamination in areas greater than 100 square feet or when it appears likely that occupants’ spaces would become further contaminated without protection. This requires double layers of polyethylene sheeting, a decontamination chamber or airlock with entryways into and from the clean area, as well as airlocked doors requiring respirators for entry into contaminated zones.
Cleaning Mold
Mold is a prevalent issue in homes, particularly bathrooms and kitchens that experience high levels of water and humidity. Exposed to large amounts, mold can produce allergens and toxins which could pose health risks.
Mold can also cause unpleasant odors, staining and structural damage to your home. If you discover mold in your house, there are a few simple steps you can take to eliminate it and clean up any mess created.
First and foremost, identify and eliminate the source of water and moisture to prevent further growth.
Next, use a commercial mold remover or natural cleaning products like vinegar and dish soap to disinfect the affected areas. Spray on the affected areas, let sit for several minutes, then lightly scrub with a sponge.
Once you are finished, be sure to properly discard the cleaning materials and clothing you used. Doing this helps prevent cross-contamination and the reinstitution of mold in your home – especially if you have children or other loved ones in residence.
Disposal of Mold
After mold remediation, it is essential that contaminated building materials and furnishings are disposed of appropriately. Mold-contaminated items should be sealed in impermeable plastic bags or closed containers and thrown away as normal construction waste.
Disposing of mold damage should be handled by a certified mold cleanup service. Some states may regulate this activity, so make sure you check with your state for details.
If you’re handling the cleanup yourself, wear protective clothing and equipment to avoid breathing mold spores or other contaminants that could irritate your respiratory system. At minimum, consider wearing an N-95 respirator as well as goggles and gloves for safety.
The initial step in mold remediation is to scrub the area with a detergent and water solution. This will eliminate visible mold, stains, and prevent further growth. Afterwards, use an effective disinfectant that kills mold spores – these can usually be found at your local hardware or home improvement store.
If you are in the Phoenix, AZ metro area and need mold removal services contact Lotus Restoration Services for a Free Quote.